The SRB has been sending free newsletters to subscribers since our launch in 2013. The newsletters bring together all the reviews, essays and interviews that have recently appeared on the site, as well as a curated selection from the SRB archive.
It’s the easiest way to keep up with new work by Australia’s best critics and writers. Sign up here.
This year, we’ve given our newsletter a major overhaul. In 2022 our fortnightly newsletters will feature much more context about the essays and reviews that we publish. They’ll introduce the emerging writers and critics we champion through our fellowship and residency programs and take readers into our archive.
The SRB has been committed since day one to ensuring that the writing we publish travels far. We want to contribute to a public discourse about Australian literature and to share our essays and reviews as widely as possible. The best way to do this is to keep the SRB freely accessible to all readers. So the newsletter is a free resource for readers, writers, scholars, journalists – for anyone interested in Australian literature and critical culture. We encourage you to sign up – and to share the newsletter with friends, family and colleagues.
If you’re curious you can read our past newsletters here.