Ann Vickery
Ann Vickery is Senior Lecturer in Literary Studies at Deakin University. She is the author of Stressing the Modern: Cultural Politics in Australian Women’s Poetry (2007) and The Complete Pocketbook of Swoon (2014). She co-edited Poetry and the Trace (2013) with John Hawke, and ‘The Political Imagination: Postcolonialism and Diaspora in Contemporary Australian Poetry’ Southerly issue (2013) with Ali Alizadeh.
All essays by Ann Vickery
A Test of Arms: Devadatta’s Poems by Judith Beveridge
Devadatta’s Poems is written from the perspective of Devadatta, a lesser known figure in Buddhism, who seeks to displace Siddhattha without success. Beveridge takes him from the margins, placing him at the centre of her volume. Moreover, she gives him possession in the title: the collection is his.
Jun. 2015 •
Australian literature • Poetry