Anna Clark
Anna Clark is a Future Fellow at the University of Technology, Sydney. She is the co-author of History Wars (2003) and the author of History’s Children: History Wars in the Classroom (2008). Her current research, Every Now and Then: Navigating History in Australia, explores Australians’ historical consciousness in the context of public debates about the past.
All essays by Anna Clark
Trench Warfare: The Honest History Book
It seems we are living through a near perfect storm of Anzac historical consumption, with a number of factors working in concert. First, Australian historical narratives have been deeply challenged by the emergence and power of Indigenous historical perspectives, especially since the 1970s and 1980s. Australia’s ‘origin story’, once characterised by discovery, nascent democracy and workers’ rights, has been powerfully reimagined by Indigenous writers and rights activists as a narrative of invasion and dispossession.’