Vanessa Berry
Vanessa Berry lives and works on Gadigal land. Her work examines autobiography, history, memory, material objects and the urban environment. She is the author of Gentle and Fierce (2021), Mirror Sydney (2017), Ninety 9 (2013) and Strawberry Hills Forever (2007), the zine series I am a Camera (2000-) and the blog Mirror Sydney. She is a Lecturer in Creative Writing at the University of Sydney.
All essays by Vanessa Berry
In the Catalogue
I walked with the knowledge that inside the present-day city are many times and layers, and that writing is a way of drawing them out. A novel and a department store, a hair net, a square of corduroy fabric in a catalogue, and a photograph of women at their desks in a drafting room form a constellation within this wider network.
All essays featuring Vanessa Berry
Eccentric Guides: Vanessa Berry’s Mirror Sydney
Mirror Sydney appeals to the notion that people live inside worlds of their own making. This suggests both a certain comprehensiveness or completeness and a limitation: the globe is known in form but so are its borders. However, this is also a world post-globalisation: the great exhibitions of the colonial project have become abandoned variety stores and theme parks, the pathos of which comes from quaintness or the strange, instead of authority or splendour.