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Wu Qi

Wu Qi grew up in Leng Shui Jiang, a small town in the south of China, and graduated from Peking University. He was a journalist at Southern People Weekly and Across – both belong to Southern Weekly, the most outspoken Chinese media outlet – in the beginning of 21st century, where he wrote long-form portraits and features, interviews and travel stories. He currently works at One Way Space, a leading independent bookstore in China, where he curates and hosts public events, and serves as the chief editor of One Way Street Magazine (单读). OW Magazine is a multi-media publishing platform to introduce and support emerging writers, journalists, scholars and artists worldwide. He was also one of the Chinese jury member of 2018 Global True Story Award in Bern, and international delegate of Momentum Literature Fellowship in 2018 Edinburgh Book Festival and 2017 International Literature showcase in Norwich. He writes essays and cultural criticism. He also translates James Baldwin's work into Chinese.

Works By Wu Qi